What we do

With close to 245 members, CUPE Local 824 is the union that represents school bus drivers, custodial staff, tradespeople, and maintenance workers in over 37 public schools in the Anglophone-East District. We represent the members of the Moncton area in southeastern New Brunswick.

CUPE 824 is proudly affiliated with CUPE 1253 – The New Brunswick Council of School District Unions

Local 824 meets every second Tuesday of every month. Please check the calendar for the time and location of the next membership meeting. All members are encouraged to attend the meetings.

What is a union?

A union, like CUPE, is an organization of workers who collectively use their strength to have a voice in their workplace. Having a union means having democracy at work. Without a union, decision-making would be 100% top-down. Without your local union, our employer – the NB Education Department – would have all the power. With CUPE 1253 and Local 824, workers have the power to negotiate with the employer, work under a contract that helps guarantee our rights, and elect those who will help us represent ourselves. This creates standard rules which apply to all workers and brings fairness to the workplace.

What Is Collective Bargaining?

Negotiating and enforcing strong contracts – called Collective Agreements – for our members is what we do best. The solidarity of our members is the heart of our bargaining power and makes gains possible. CUPE Staff Representatives work with our local to build strong communities and achieved better wages, benefits, pensions, and fair treatment for workers.

What Is a Collective Agreement?

A collective agreement is a contract negotiated between union members and the employer. It outlines your wages, benefits, and working conditions. It is signed by your employer and voted on by your CUPE local membership.

CUPE members decide what to propose to the employer when we make bargaining proposals through CUPE 1253. The priorities for bargaining are voted on. Negotiated collective agreements include (but are not limited to) provisions on wages, benefits, vacation and holidays, hours of work, protection from discrimination and harassment, sick time, overtime premiums, job protection, layoffs, and the right to union representation.